i have no idea where the camera is. I'm betting that it's somewhere in the middle of all of the chaos around here - trying to plan a wedding, trying to keep the dog from chewing everything, trying to have a summer holiday, trying to do some house repairs before people come to stay with us in September. so the camera is somewhere amidst it all and I can't get pictures off of it until i find it, and, I think that even if I do find it, I will have to charge the batteries to get it working.
and so, i remain unblogged and incomplete, simply because I can't find the camera.
i've also bought LOTS and LOTS of yarn, but haven't found the time to do any knitting (well, not any knitting that would actually count for anything). on top of this, it's impossible to knit while Titus the super puppy is around because he thinks that yarn is really fun to chew. so the only time I can knit is at night when he goes into his crate, but by that time, after wedding planning, house renovating and puppy training... i couldn't care less about knitting.
yes, it's true. i still have the urge to knit, but no desire to pick up needles.
blasphemy, i know.