I've found the perfect pattern for the perfect baby sweater.
It is knit entirely in one piece, the pattern is easy to follow, it doesn't get boring to knit and it's cuter than the picture of my dog that concludes this post.
On top of this, it really only took me a few weeks of intermittent knitting to finish it up. This is very encouraging for me because, quite frankly, it is baby fever around here (not me, everyone else is pregnant, though) and this pattern just might save my butt when it comes to thinking of the perfect gift.
In addition to this, it only requires that I seam up the sleeves and weave in the ends. Of course, due to my excellent procrastination skills, it will inevitably take me a few weeks to do this very small part that would probably only take 30 minutes to complete if I actually made the effort.
So, I have officially dubbed this"My Standard Baby Sweater" and it just may appear on a baby near you sometime soon. I used Sirdar "Snuggly" DK, shade 0347 on 4 mm needles (Addi turbo circulars). I thought the red was a good choice for either a boy or a girl, especially because I don't know the sex of the baby it has been knit for. However, I will not use this yarn again because it split constantly, and I found that very frustrating. In the end, though, it didn't even use 1.5 balls, so I will not say anything more because that now means I have 5 more balls of this stuff to knit up!
And so, it wouldn't be a post without the latest picture of MY baby and his newest toy. Honestly, have you ever seen anything cuter than this?