1. I love writing up random lists like this. It's amazing what comes into your mind when you have to think of 25 random things about yourself.
2. Even though I am very extroverted, I actually require a significant amount of alone time/ down time - which I think makes me an extroverted introvert (or an introverted extrovert!) ha haa!
3. I am very proud of being a teacher. It humbles me, inspires me and keeps me young.
4. I have a very difficult time with concealing my facial expressions. If I'm mad, you will know it by the look on my face. I would not make a very good poker player.
5. I worry excessively that I don't participate in my friendships enough, particularly with people who I've known for a long time but don't see very often.
6.I could probably talk about my dog all day long. He's just so damn cute.
7. I am a list person. I love making lists, I always have a list on the go, and when I'm stressed I make a list(s). When I make a list, I try to categorize the items into levels of importance and then I highlight items when they are finished.
8. I own a label-maker. Having read point #7 about me, you should not be surprised by this.
9. I have two blogs - one about knitting (in my defense, there are a lot of blogs about knitting) and one about teaching. I will not provide the links because I don't want Facebook to spam me and also because I enjoy the relative anonymity of the internet.
10. I love my husband more than anybody in this world. One of the things I love most about him is that he reads books. As an English teacher, I obviously enjoy this a lot. But what I love the most is that when I hold his hand, I feel completely safe.
11. I kind of get irritated when people who know that I'm an English teacher tell me I should "read this book - it's really great." I read for a living, people, and most of it is not what ANYONE would choose to read for pleasure.
12. Hopefully I'm not jinxing myself here, but I've never broken a bone and I've never had a cavity. And the grey streak in my hair is completely natural. That being said, my eyesight is so bad that I'm almost legally blind.
13. I suffered from panic attacks and anxiety for a long time. This is not a factor in my life anymore but I make sure I take good care of myself so I don't get there again!
14. I hate putting things away - I will leave something on a table and walk past it for months before I finally lose patience with myself and put it away.
15. My birth date is actually four consecutive 10's in a row - 10/10/1973 (10th month, 10th day, and if you break down 1973 ... 1+9=10 and 7+3= 10)
16. I currently have 15 purses in my closet. I also own about 40 pairs of shoes and at least 40 scarves. I know, I'm not exactly "accessories challenged."
17. I love hockey fights. I think they're awesome.
18. Since we're talking about hockey, I will say that I have become quite a hockey fan in the last few years. I like watching games and I even watch Sportscentre and listen to the Team 1200 on my own so I can learn more about the game. I am currently a little obsessed with the abysmal nature of the Ottawa Senators and I wish they would stop hanging their coaches out to dry.
19. I love fart jokes, ass jokes and inappropriate comments (okay, not when I'm teaching). I love it when people say things like "It smells like ass" and "Shut your cakehole" - I find it very entertaining and I always wish I had thought to say something witty like that.
20. I have a very messy car and a very messy office. However, check out any of my teaching binders and everything is in sheet protectors and divided perfectly into categories. I am a contradiction in progress!
21. I would like to be a high school principal one day.
22. I'm all about cheesy music: "The Sound of Music" is my favorite movie of all time, I can sing most of ABBA's songs from memory and I own all of Celine Dion's albums. I can't believe I just admitted all of that.
23. I often have road rage. Most people really do lose IQ points when they get behind the wheel of their car and I am usually the one driving behind them.
24. I am running out of things to write in this list - what the hell? - I'm never at a loss for words.
25. I like my life. As life goes, I think I've got it pretty good.