Monday, March 14, 2011


It's kind of like coming home.

Sometimes you have to leave something entirely to realize that there are parts of you that want to return to where you were.

And so I return.

Life has been so busy and there just hasn't been time to do this, there's just been time to do other things. However, you realize after a while that if there's time to do the other things, then there is time to do this as well. So, here we are.

I kick off this return with a list of things to do. It's Spring Break for me and I have a list of things to complete:

- drop off drycleaning; get coats repaired (March 14)
- cutlery for downstairs kitchen (March 14)
- curtain for kitchen window
- call insurance company; cancel house insurance (March 16)
- call banks to change account names; order cheques (March 15)
- pick up parcel at post office (March 14)
- mail package to friend (March 14)
- lunch with Karen (March 14)
- dog walk with Jen
- paint ceramics with Kathy (March 16)
- clean out car
- clean out basement storage room (in process - started March 17)
- blood work (March 17)
- taxes (March 13)
- spa appointments (March 17)
- order new contacts (March 16)
- office supplies at Staples (March 13)
- yoga

..... I'll let you know how I do. When an item is complete, I'll write the date of completion next to it. Cheers!