First, you may be asking yourself, "Sweet cracker sandwiches, WHO would dare take a picture like that?" and my answer to you is that the only person who would dare take a picture of my hideously striped butt (note the stripes are curved, not even straight... ha ha!) is the man that I'm going to marry in just under 7 months. Of course, it's my fault for leaving the camera unattended on the seat of the golf cart - ladies, be forewarned - if you leave the camera on the seat and you bend over to put your golf tee in the ground, you can rest assured that somewhere, on someone's digital camera is a picture of your ass. No man can resist that temptation.
My efforts to re-do the bedroom have been seriously thwarted by the tremendous difficulty I had yesterday when I attempted to do ONE simple sewing task: that of adding a band of colour to the top of my current bedroom drapes. Let's just say that I was so exhausted after that debaucle that I have had only ONE bedroom drape for the last 24 hours and I have no desire to make the second one. I didn't even have a desire to pick up some knitting, which is really what this blog is all about. Not that I've written about any knitting lately...
but I will now... after I ask this one question of Lindsay; the real reason that I feel that I'm stunned:
I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to post a comment on your blog. I love your Star of Bethlehem flower, I love the Tiddly Winks quilt (Jane's gonna love it) and I actually wanted to taste one of the Green cookies you posted today. But do you think this program will let me post anything to tell you how much I love your stuff? For the love of God, help me out here, I'm dying.... I'm suffocating with my head up my butt here.
Ha! I couldn't resist that.

So this is what I've decided to pull out of the drawer and work on for a while. It's a lavender colored baby blanket in a really sweet pattern in Bernat "cottontots". I usually choose patterns that are a little more contemporary and straight forward and this is not that - there is more purling in this pattern than there are fish in the sea and that is why I have to frog a few rows when I decide to work on it tonight.
That being said, and to make my "knitballs" blog a little more about what it's supposed to be about, I'll leave you with the image of my striped butt burned into your retinas.
Happy Day, friends!
I am enjoying your blog Krista. Nice butt too! Aunt Lynn
I love the baby blanket! Where did you get the pattern? I crocheted one with cotton tots, and I just love the feel.
this whole comment business is tough, when I do one on yours in never shows up right away???? What happens when you try to comment on mine?
ok, i think i get it, when i publish, it says that mu comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval. I guess you can change that in your settings. Us new bloggers, we'll figure it out eventually. I can't get some pics to come out right side up! Any suggestions?
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