only other teachers could possibly understand why I hate the month of June. It's the month where everyone else is saying, "Oh my God, it's summer, let's go eat on a patio..." "Oh my God, it's nice out, I think I'll work on my garden...." "Oh my God, the evening's are getting longer, summer must be on its way!!!" "Wow, some nice out! I think I'll go swimming..."
if this sounds like you, I can assure you that your friendly neighbourhood teacher is saying to themselves, "Crap, it's nice out, I should really mow the lawn, but I have to finish my marking..." or "Wow, it's 9:30 pm and it's still light out? Really? That means I still have time to do report cards..."
June is no fun when you're a teacher! Yes, I know that summer holidays come after June, but it's the "getting through June" part that is the equivalent to those people who are stranded in the desert but keep walking because they keep seeing the mirage of a palm tree and some water... I'm not kidding you! By the time you get to the end of June, you're just happy it's over and then you're ready to join your friends in their Summer madness, but by this time, they're like, "Meh... summer... yeah, we did all of that patio and swimming stuff, like, weeks ago!"
So, the other side of June is finding a cajillion creative ways to procrastinate! For example, right now I should be downstairs marking Grade 11 tests on The Crucible- which I plan on marking while keeping one eye on the hockey game (subliminal procrastinating), however, I"m upstairs imagining all of the ways I can write about procrastinating on my blog.
And while I've been sidetracked by talking about procrastinating, I really wanted to post to talk about my Argosy baby blanket (Bernat Cottontots in lilac) which I am trying to finish before Bridesmaid #1 has baby #2. So what has got me motivated a little bit (and is only making me procrastinate a little bit) is the fabulous Argosy knitalong set up by Katie. Check it out, it's way fun...
so, not bad... 6 paragraphs written when I really could have written one. this one goes down as some good procrastinating!
and now I'm off to mark those tests. and watch the hockey game. Go Sens Go!
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