this weekend (ie. at 5 a.m. tomorrow) we are heading to my friend Vanessa's wedding for the weekend. at this wedding, we will indulge in golfing, eating, drinking, sleeping and celebrating Vanessa's jump into matrimony, knowing full well that we will be in her exact footsteps in none other than 65 days (yes, i'm counting). And at this moment (11:45 pm), i am either supposed to be (a) packing or (b) asleep in bed. however, you can clearly see that I'm doing neither, because nothing soothes the urge to procrastinate than to do a little internet surfing, a little blogging, and a little picture taking. i could justify this post by saying that I have been negligent in my blogging duties (and I have) and therefore I need to post, but why bother? i'm procrastinating, plain and simple.
first up: the picture that starts this post is lovingly entitled "yarn cuddles." this is evidence of just two of my recent splurges on yarn and what better place to photograph it than on your bed? the yarn on the left is a mohair/alpaca mix I found in a wee little yarn store not 10 minutes from my school. it's a gorgeous mix of lavenders and pinks - all grown, spun, dyed, etc. etc on site. my lunch breaks will take on a new meaning next year - I can be there, buy yarn and back to school all within 40 minutes. the potential for crisis is huge here! the yarn on the right is Fleece Artist's "Goldielocks" - it's all pinks and dusty roses... gorgeous. and they look gorgeous together, but i will not be knitting them together. i have an idea for the alpaca/mohair mix but i'm clueless on the Goldielocks (I guess I should not admit at this point that I also have two other skeins of Goldielocks in other colorways - don't even
ask me about it, I can only claim complete madness.)

in addition to buying yarn, i have actually been
knitting. i'm working away on a little Argosy scarf - this is in Paton's Grace in "Tangelo." It's mercerized cotton, so it's a nice knitting project for the summer. i've said this before, but the Argosy pattern is super easy to memorize and that's what makes it so fun to knit. and while I enjoy being "in progress" with my knitting (seriously, when was the last time I posted a finished product?), I would like to finish this soon. That being said, I have no intention of wearing it when it's finished because orange looks hideous on me - i just look like a big pumpkin when I wear it, which is not exactly anyone's idea of glamour. so it will be gifted to someone who looks fabulous in orange. any takers?

this next picture is what my computer desk looks like at this exact moment. i'm sure many of you are thinking
"Blessed God in heaven, the woman's a slob" and, I assure you, that while I have messy tendencies, I usually make a great effort to be clean and organized. I just have a lot going on right now and the desk demonstrates it perfectly. The box holds the ring box for my engagement ring, there's a returned thank you note that needs to be re-sent, a bank statement for an old savings account, even gum wrappers. Wait a second.... Blessed God in heaven, I AM a slob... but i like the angle and the lighting of the picture.

and, finally, what pet owner doesn't take/post/ send out/ email funny pictures of their pet? this is Titus in his latest clothing of choice - my thong underwear. I can just hear what you're thinking now,
"Jay-sus, she photographs yarn in her bed, she's a slob and now she's dressing her dog up in her thong, and having the nerve to blame it on the poor animal!! She's cracked!" While I may protest the "cracked" label a little, I couldn't resist taking this picture. Titus found this underwear and started playing with it by flipping it up over his head. The next thing I knew, he had it wrapped around himself, and, I assure you, in less than 10 minutes, he had it on a million different ways, but never in the right way. Every time it changed, I forced him to look up at me so I could take a picture.... this picture is so priceless to me because he looks so irritated with me; i feel like he's saying to me -
"What do you mean by "I'm wearing it wrong?""
Oh, Titus, you're such a joy. I love you! Back to packing... or sleeping...
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