Monday, July 21, 2008

FO: Ashley's Argosy

These are my friends Karen and Ashley. Ashley (to the right) is heading off to Thailand to teach for two whole years this Friday. She is going to be missed - she's bright, hilarious, beautiful, organized and she has one amazing laugh. On top of this, she is a great friend and many moons ago, I decided that I wanted to knit her something to take with her to Thailand.

Now you just can't knit any old thing and send it on to Thailand, since I understand that it is somewhat of a tropical country and woolen garments/accessories/items do not exactly make great Thailand fashion (all you people who spout about the breathability and "wicking-ness" of wool can just shush right now, even you guys wouldn't knit something out of wool for someone in Thailand). So I dove into the stash and resurfaced with some Paton's Grace (color: tangelo - sounds like ice cream!) and some 4 mm needles (the wrong needle size in the end, ...pecsh!) and the perfect pattern: the Argosy scarf. It took quite a while to knit but it was worth it because it blocked like a dream and now Ashley is going to float off to Thailand with gorgeous cotton-y scarf like beautifulness wrapped around her neck.

So you'd think that, after all of my enthusiasm for this project, I would have the presence of mind to take a picture of Ashley while she was wearing the scarf, but I was too busy giving her a hug and wishing her well. So instead, I'm stuck with this crappy picture of the Argosy in its completion.... and if someone knows how to photograph the color orange, please let me know!

Safe travels, Ashley! Keep in touch! xoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Krista, isn't it wonderful to have the time to declutter and organize, it is refreshing. Keep up the godo work and look after that cute grand dog.
love mom