Monday, February 19, 2007

neck painnnnnnnnnnnnn


not kidding.


what's with the neck/ shoulder pain that comes with knitting? really, friends. this is ridiculous!!

i mean, i'm a high school English teacher - I spend hours upon hours of my life marking papers in such a way that my right shoulder is almost constantly in a shrugging position and looks permanently fused to my right ear, and, the pain that results fromTHAT is nothing compared to the pain I feel after knitting for a period of time.

all of that being said, i'm now onto block 4 of my MDK log cabin baby blanket and it's looking mighty cute. the other day when I finished up block 3 (while watching a tremendous documentary on Metallica, might I add - fantastic knitting/viewing - what a fantastically EMO band), I made sure to bind off loosely so as not to repeat the fiasco from last week.... see previous posts.

the blanket is being knit in fairly muted colours, and while I'm enjoying it, i'm starting to feel a little hankering for something big ass colourful.

i think it's time to break out the Lang Mille Colori. If you haven't experienced this yet, check it out here....

off to take an advil.

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